How to reach us
From the highway's exit of S.Michele all'Adige-Mezzocorona (A22 Brennero Modena):
The location is 40 KM far from the highway's exit of S. Michele all'Adige-Mezzocorna. Follow the directions of Mezzolombardo,
Valle di Non, Dermulo, Cles. After that you've passed through Cles you should see the indication for Rumo.
From Passo del Tonale:
The location is 55 KM far from Passo del Tonale. You should cross Val di sole going towars Trento trough Vermiglio,
Ossana, Mezzana, Dimaro, Malè. Caldes, Mostizzolo. Once you arrived in Mostizzolo turn left towards Livo, Preghena
and Rumo.
Once you arrived in Rumo, to reach the
camper area you should go in the direction of Lanza. The crossroad is near the police station. Area camper will
be located near the Du parc hotel behind a playground.